Review of planning controls: Oxford Street
A review of the planning controls applying to Oxford Street aims to reposition it as a vibrant cultural and creative precinct.
Project Status: Completed
We’ve reviewed the planning rules for Oxford Street and surrounds in Darlinghurst.
Why we’re doing this
Oxford Street is a focal point and the first part of an investigation of the eastern creative precinct identified in our local strategic planning statement City Plan 2036.
Historically the built form and diverse land uses on Oxford Street have contributed to its vibrant character, hosting a mix of businesses, educational institutions, health facilities, and spaces for workers, visitors and festivals, such as Mardi Gras.
However over recent years, a high level of retail vacancy, noisy road environment, underused public spaces and lockout laws have led to a decrease in patronage of Oxford Street. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic now presents businesses on Oxford Street with more challenges, particularly in the lead up to hosting World Pride in 2023.
The precinct will encourage the clustering of cultural and creative uses and capitalise on the proximity of the National Art School with its new 45-year lease and the UNSW Art and Design campus in Paddington.
New land use planning approaches and controls will grow the cultural and creative sectors, protect heritage and character and support the day and night-time economies for the local community and visitors.
Our community consultation started in 2020 to inform the later development of detailed proposals. The consultations involved a wide range of community, business, landowner individuals and groups, to develop a vision for the future of the corridor.
What we’re doing
In 2021 we invited feedback on new planning rules for the Oxford Street cultural and creative precinct.
Policy & planning changes
Your say on proposed planning controls for Oxford StreetThe proposed planning controls will allow for greater building heights and floor space in redevelopments if heritage is protected and new space for creative and cultural activities is provided.Closed · DarlinghurstPolicy & planning changes
Your say on options for taller buildings facing Taylor SquareTaller, well-designed buildings that protect heritage and enclose the space could elevate Taylor Square as a significant destination and provide more space for cultural and creative activity.Closed · Darlinghurst
The new planning controls were approved by Council and the Central Sydney Planning Committee in April 2022 and came into force on 2 December 2022.
The controls are now part of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan 2012.