A city for all – towards a socially just and resilient Sydney
Our social sustainability policy and action plan 2018–2028.

Midpoint review
We’ve completed a midpoint review of A City for All, our social policy and action plan 2018–2028.We haven’t developed new actions, but we considered the progress of existing actions, and what our residents have told us about their quality of life through the community wellbeing indicators.
Moving forward to 2028, we’ve also identified priority communities and opportunities to refocus our efforts that strengthen and build on the success of our existing programs and projects.
Community wellbeing indicators
The midpoint review is informed by our community wellbeing indicators report that brings together quality of life measures for our residents.
Previous reports were published in 2016 and 2019. Tracking measures over time and identifying emerging trends supports our evidence-based policies and planning.
This helps us develop local responses to create a more inclusive and just city that provides opportunities for everyone to thrive.
This work also builds on a framework developed with the University of Sydney, the Sydney equality indicators framework.
Our vision
Learn about our social sustainability policy and action plan by exploring our 10 founding principles and our vision for an inclusive, connected, liveable and engaged city.
Social sustainability policy and action plan
Social sustainability policy and action plan
Supporting reports and studies
January 2020
Strategies & action plans
A city for all – inclusion (disability) action plan 2021–2025Published 24 August 2021Strategic land use plans
Housing for All: City of Sydney local housing strategyPublished 1 June 2020