Programs and support for older people

Discover services and programs to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle right into retirement and beyond. Also find out how to access financial and other support services to help you live independently or on your own.

Two individuals sitting closely together on a couch in a communal. Other people and furniture, suggesting a social or public space.

We’re committed to the wellbeing and safety of older people living in the city. Here’s a list of programs, services and support for older people provided by the City of Sydney as well as by other organisations.

City of Sydney programs and services

What’s On for older adults

  • Mon20Jan

    What’s On

    Low-impact racquet sport that's easy to learn and suitable for all ages
    King George V (KGV) Recreation Centre
  • Mon20Jan

    What’s On

    Social art & craft group
    Knit, crochet, paint or draw with like-minded people
    Cliff Noble Community Centre
  • Mon20Jan

    What’s On

    Stitching Circle
    A social group that gets together to knit, crochet and long stitch
    Maybanke Community Centre
  • Mon20Jan

    What’s On

    Table tennis
    Drop in and play on our free outdoor tables
    Ultimo Community Centre

Programs and services provided by other organisations