Rates, pets, waste & recycling and parking permits, as well as construction and development approvals, venue bookings and issue reporting.

Waste & recycling services
Waste & recycling services
Find my bin collection dayReport an issue
Report illegal dumping
Rates & payments
Pay residential or business ratesRates & payments
Notify us if your rates postal address has changedRates & payments
Check or change a rate category or certificateRates & payments
Notify us if you’ve overpaid on your rates

Business permits, approvals & tenders
Apply for a mobile food vending business approval
Pet & animal services
Property & tree maintenance
Transport and parking
Transport & parking
Apply for a residential parking permitTransport & parking
Report a vehicle illegally parked or abandoned
Construction, certification and development
We pursue a sensitive and balanced approach to development that protects residential amenity and the environment, preserves heritage and provides clarity for everyone.
Find out more about the approvals and regulatory process for building and construction including development applications, building certification, public domain works, construction permits & approvals and hoardings & temporary structure approvals.
Development applications (DAs)
Development applications
Lodge a development applicationApproval may be required for changes to your home or business site in our area.Development applications
How to prepare your development applicationGetting your preparation right means you’re likely to have a smooth approval process.Development applications
Search development applicationsFind a DA, outdoor dining, subdivision or heritage request.Development applications
Extend your business trading hoursWe need to assess the impact of a change to operating times.
Building certification
Building certification
Get approval to carry out minor developmentA complying development certificate can be determined by the City of Sydney or private certifier without the need for a full development application.Building certification
Get approval to start building workAfter you’ve received development consent, you’ll need to obtain a construction certificate.Building certification
Appoint the City as principal certifier and notify us of building works about to startBuilding or subdivision work approved by the City of Sydney cannot start until a principal certifier has been appointed.Building certification
Get approval to use or occupy a building after works have been completedFollowing development consent or a complying development certificate, an occupation certificate gives approval to use or occupy a site.
Public domain works
Construction permits & approvals
Hoardings & temporary structure approvals

Library & information services
Join the library
Facility bookings & outdoor events
Business permits, approvals & tenders
Apply for a filming or photography permitOutdoor events & filming
Holding outdoor events in parks and public spacesOutdoor events & filming
Holding wedding ceremonies and marriage proposals in parks and public spacesOutdoor events & filming
Hold a public assembly